In this episode I talk about “the greeting” when you initially start speaking to a prospect and the steps you should take to gain their trust and build a relationship. Follow me on Facebook and Instagram!
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If you’re paranoid you WILL WIN more deals! Here’s how…
When I decided to set up my company I had no savings, 2 children (one new born & 6), a mortgage, 2 cars and all the other things to go with that. I must have been crazy right? Yes. But I knew I would do it. I was determined. I only […]
The Formula Ep 13 – Email Delivery that creates high ROI
How do you get a 750% ROI on cold email marketing? I know! Watch this… Follow me on Facebook and Instagram!
Thank god he managed to get through our gatekeeper!
We all get A LOT of cold calls and most within our office are from recruitment or SEO type companies. But around 5 months ago we got a call from a company called Lead Forensics and I am so glad they managed to get through our gate keeper. He closed our gate keeper, […]
The Formula Ep 12 – Do you ask your prospect “What if?”
At the end of a call when your prospect is doubting your services, what do you say to win them over? Related article: At the end of a sales call when the prospect isn’t interested, what do you say? Follow me on Facebook and Instagram!
Why don’t sales professionals train?
Why don’t sales people train? Vets Sports professionals Doctors Barristers All of these professions have had to train for years just to be able to get an opportunity to do their desired occupation, and even when they have qualified they still have to constantly train so they can keep doing […]
The Formula Ep 11 – The Wave Effect
Want to know how to stay on target? As sales people we all want to consistently hit our targets. Nick talks about how to continuously generate money and “The Wave Effect” Related article: Want to know how to hit target each month? Follow me on Facebook and Instagram!
Why you NEED email automation in your sales process
I fully believe in email automation. I have spent a lot of money on emails. If I told you what I spent on getting the right emails written you would probably be sick! But, done well, it will bring you sales you probably would not have got if you only relied on yourself […]
B2B Database – How The Hell Do You Create One?
At last I hear you scream, someone who will actually tell me how a B2B database is really created! Well, we said we would provide you some ‘Honest Data Buying Tips' didn't we. So what better one to start with than this? I bet you could call three B2B companies and ask the sales agent […]
The Formula Ep 10 – How to make Google Adwords work
Google Adwords is really scary, it cost me a fortune in small period of time but now I’ve mastered it and now I’m going to explain to you the little things you need to think about to make it work to your advantage… How are you utilising the products that could be helping you increase […]